Tuesday, September 11, 2018

First post!

First post in this old blog thing here, and I figure I'll use it to introduce myself. My name is Jamie, I am a 27 year old communications student here at Camosun in Victoria. On my second round of university, as I obtained my theatre degree back when I was fresh out of high school, and am now returning to pursue the career I really loved.

I am also an avid festival go-er, having been a part of that scene since 2006. I work directly for many festivals on the west coast, including Shambhala Music Festival, Rifflandia, Bass Coast and Tall Tree Music Festival, doing press, media and artist relations field work, which is what prompted me to further my education.

I love music, my partner, my intense menagerie of cats, and relaxing between gigs, which isn't often!

Social media:

Instagram: @jamiefrickengib_
Twitter: @jamiefrickengib
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jamie.gib
Tumblr: jamiefrickengib.tumblr.com

Now here's something to end on a high note, witness my cat!